A Dancers Christmas List
Blog post name: A dancers Christmas list
Hello dancers and dance mums,
Christmas is coming! Christmas is well on its way!
Have you put up the tree and bought candy canes? Are you ready for carols and nut crackers and gifts? Have you got a little dancer in the family and have no idea what to get them?
If this is the question on your mind do I have a treat for you!
I thought that in the spirit of the season I would write up a list of wonderful dance based gifts that are essential for our little dancers. None of these presents are going to break the bank either!
Without further ado here it is:
A watercolour Dancer $17.26
A picture to hang on the wall to inspire your little dancer. A cute little one can be found on etsy here: https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/207506316/watercolor-art-print-dance-ballet-wall?ref=market
For a more personal touch you could even find a picture of your little dancer and have it framed for their wall.
2. A bloch giftcard from $50
This gift is for the picky dancer, a gift card allows them to choose their own dance gift from their favourite dance shop. A link to bloch’s dance page can be found here: http://www.bloch.com.au/module/giftcard/choicegiftcard
3. Personalised dance bag $63.94
Every dancer, boy or girl needs to haul around shoes, tights, crossovers and waterbottles, so for a practical dance gift think about investing in a personalised dance bag for your little dancer. Heres one on etsy big enough to fit everything a dancer could need: https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/150023863/duffel-bag-personalized-dancer-dance?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=personalized%20dance%20duffle%20bag&ref=sr_gallery_10
4. Dance jewellery $26.85
For the magpie in your brood a beautiful ballet necklace like the one found here: https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/247375060/gold-ballet-shoe-necklace-gold-toe-shoe?ref=market
Is sure to bring a smile to their eyes.

5. A Dancers clock $1:00 + time
For those who are gifted with artistic talent and are DIY inclined a dancers wall clock is perfect! Simply buy a DIY clock kit like this one from target: http://www.target.com.au/p/diy-numbers-wall-clock/52446337
But instead of sticking numbers, follow the handy template below in whatever font you choose for a wonderful dancer’s clock!
I hope that these five gifts have inspired you in your Christmas shopping.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Jeanette Briggs Dance Academy.
Have a wonderful holiday,