Have you ever felt like Crying watching your child excel?
Have you ever felt like crying (or have cried) watching your child excel? I know I have. That joy that is so overwelming! It's these special moments in our child's life that we truly treasure.
It's these moments that our children remember as special. Those moments that they feel proud and we feel proud of them. It's not to late to join us and watch your son or daughter perform at our end of year concert. It's at a professional theatre. In fact now is the perfect time to join our dance classes. We have just started our concert routines and we would love you to be part of the excitement.
For more information, or to request a class time that suits you, give me a call 0418 472 652 or send me an email to info@dancejbda.com.
Have a look at our website http://www.dancejbda.com Its not too late to join our classes for 2016.
Have a sneak peak at one of our concerts. If you want to see more, while you are there subscribe to our YouTube Channel. We are now in our 12th year at Jeanette Briggs Dance Academy and are conveniently located at St Helens Park.